Mercado y Sectores
Costa Rica

Forum on Renewable Energies


EUCA Trade - Hamburgo, Alemania

Forum of Renewable energies - Hamburgo

Opportunities in the renewable energy sector in Central America

Panel moderator: Massimo de Luca, Head of Regional Trade and Economics Section – EU Delegation Costa Rica

Carolina Palma, Team Leader EUCA Trade Programme.

Claudia Marcela Peláez, Director, Electric Energy Nacional Commission, Guatemala.

Marco Acuña, President, Costa Rica Electricity Institute.

Florencia Eugenia Vilanova de von-Oehsen, Ambassador to Germany, El Salvador

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Development of the Central America Regional Electrical Market

Panel moderator: Christian Schauer, Director, AHK Costa Rica


Ronny Rodríguez, Energy Deputy Minister, Costa Rica Carlos

Raul Morales, ONYX Group

Carolina García, General Manager Comercial Internacional, TERRA Group

Jorge Blanco, President Renewable Energy Working group, EU Chambers of Commerce in Central America

Rodrigo Ibarra, Partner, ARIAS Law Nicaragua


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Innovative solutions in renewable energy development

Panel moderator: Ernesto Feilbogen, Project Manager TRANSfer / EC + Component, GiZ

Carsten Hasbach, Senior Director Government Affairs, SIEMENS

Astrid Dose, Deputy Manager Director Public Relations and Marketing, Renewable Energy Hamburg Cluster Agency

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Entrevista Carlos Raul Morales

Carlos Raul Morales, ONYX Group

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Entrevista Ronny Rodriguez

Ronny Rodríguez, Viceministro del Minae, Costa Rica

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